
Welcome to the 棋牌游戏大全 family! It’s important to us to keep you engaged in your student’s experience at Berkeley. Here, 你可以访问几个重要的链接和资源,这将帮助你在整个学年导航你的方式. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact your child’s division office for more information.


Every parent in the Berkeley community is a member of the Berkeley Parents’ Association. Learn more about the opportunities that await you as a member.




为了我们的家庭, myBERKELEY is your one-stop resource to access the school calendar, directory, news, 学校的资源, and specific information about your student (grades, assignments, 进度报告, 和其他重要信息). Everything you need as a parent found in one convenient location.


  • 学校早上8点正式开始上课.m.; students are encouraged to arrive by 7:45 a.m.
  • 下午三点正式放学.m. 幼稚园至五年级及下午3:20.m. 6-12年级.
  • CLICK HERE 获取方便打印的校园地图.


  • 邻里和校园交通安全

    这是对我们棋牌游戏平台社区司机的一个提醒,提醒他们在我们周围社区和校园内遵守交通规则和限速的重要性. It is important to follow traffic laws and remain courteous to each other and our Berkeley neighbors. 考虑到这一点, 请避免进入我们的邻近物业时,转身或试图绕过交通. 请在下面找到我们的大门时间,以帮助您在最合适的时间进入和离开校园,避免因大门关闭而被拒之门外.

    Gate Hours:

    科斯罗斯克家庭入口:早上5:30.m. – 11:00 p.m.
    哈罗德入口:早上6点.m. – 10:00 p.m.
    新奥尔良入口:早上7:15.m. – 8:15 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    卢卡斯入场:早上7:15.m. –  8:15 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
    科斯罗斯克家庭入口:7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
    哈罗德入口:早上7点.m. – 9:00 a.m. (周日)关闭
    New Orleans and Lucas Entrances: (Closed Saturday and Sunday)
  • 接送手续


    There are two waves of pickup at the Casper Landis Buc Stop. 早车站从下午三点开始.m. for 较低的部门 students only; Late Buc Stop begins at 3:20 p.m. 所有学生. 我们计划在允许排队的车辆进入Casper Landis Buc Stop之前完成早期Buc Stop接送.

    请重新审核解雇 PICKUP MATRIX to determine your unique pick-up procedure.

    请参阅 校园及入口 map to familiarize yourself with our points of entries and destinations.
    Seivold Center Drop-Off (Pre-K, Kindergarten and grade 1)
    幼儿学生, along with any 较低的部门 student(s) in a car pool with grades 2-5, 须在卡斯珀兰迪斯巴士站下车,最早可于早上7:30下车.m.

    较低的部门 Drop-Off (grades 2–5 only)
    在福赛斯小学教育中心上课的低年级学生必须通过凯利路进入新奥尔良大道大门,在Dev Family低年级综合大楼前下车,可以早在早上7:30下车.m. 请注意:2-5年级的学生与中高年级的学生拼车,可以在卡斯珀兰迪斯巴士站下车.

    中间部门 and Upper Division Drop-Off
    Students may be dropped off at either the Casper Landis Buc Stop, or the Gills Hall Buc Stop. Please plan to arrive 15 to 20 minutes before 8 a.m. 方便下车. When dropping off students, parents should remain in the car so traffic can move smoothly. Do not use numbered parking spaces to drop off your student(s).
    Continue accessing the New Orleans Avenue Gate via Kelly Road beginning at 3 p.m.

    Early Buc Stop Pickup (must use the Harrod Entrance on Bray Road)
    如果你要去学前班, Kindergarten, 或者一年级学生, along with any 较低的部门 student(s) in grades 2-5, you are required to proceed to the Casper Landis Buc Stop, where you will be directed to pick up your student(s). Once you have picked up your student(s), all Early Buc Stop traffic (3-3:20 p.m.)须右转并经LUCAS入口转出校园,以避免从Bray路中高级区来的车辆在下午3时20分解散.m.

    任何拼车都可以使用晚车站. 晚车站接车时间是下午3:20.m. 下午3:20前到达的车辆.m. 通过Bray路的Harrod入口将由停车工作人员排队,而Early Buc Stop车辆则从校园出口. 晚Buc站的交通可以通过Lucas入口离开Casper Landis Buc站,进入Exter Way, 哈罗德入口进入布雷路, or Forsyth Road to access the Kosloske Family Entrance on Kelly Road after 3:35 p.m.

    中间部门 and Upper Division Pickup
  • 校服要求

    Each division at Berkeley has their own policy on uniforms. 中低年级学生星期一至星期四必须穿制服,星期五必须穿正式制服. 高级班周一至周四遵循着装标准,周五要求穿正式制服. 请致电(813)885 -1673与您的具体部门办公室联系,查询具体的着装规定政策.
  • 棋牌游戏平台的餐饮选择

    Berkeley partners with SAGE Dining Services to provide daily meals to our school community.  利用棋牌游戏平台餐饮计划的学生可以在美丽的棋牌游戏平台咖啡馆(中高级)和低年级活动中心以及Seivold幼儿教育中心(低年级)的新食堂享受多种食物。. 与SAGE合作带来了丰富的经验,在学术环境中提供了最好的餐饮选择. 他们的注册营养师团队不断与棋牌游戏平台的食品服务经理和厨师合作,开发符合最高营养标准的食谱. 所有学生在学年开始时都会自动加入该餐饮计划,并有机会选择退出.
  • 交通方式

    Berkeley evaluates these relationships every year and selects carrier(s) which, 在它的判断中, best meet the needs of the school community. Berkeley is currently recommending Network Transportation Solutions. Please call the company directly if you wish to use them for transportation.* Main Contact: Dana Slaybe Office # 407-722-8283 Email: Dana.Slaybe@DestinationMCO.com

  • Social Media

    • 接机程序视频

成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, Episcopal, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.